Life with No Pain Congenital Insensitivity to Pain
Issue #1 cover


Congenital Insensitivity to Pain


Pain is mostly associated with unpleasant feelings and is largely despised and feared due
to the emotional distress of sensations. However, without pain, humans wouldn’t be able
to separate harmful actions from non-harmful ones and wouldn’t let their bodies heal. The
sensation of pain is very crucial to the human body as it acts as a defense mechanism by
alerting the body of on-going damage to the tissue or potential damage. The importance of
pain is even more obvious when diagnosing patients with congenital insensitivity to pain,
as their life is filled with terror of being hurt but being unable to detect it, which could
ultimately lead to their death. This article dives into this disorder and how it can affect the
normal daily lives of human beings, further revealing the vital importance of pain.