AI-assisted Online Child Protection




No one can deny the internet’s great effect on the progress that we see around us. Despite all the benefits of the internet, it has its dark side, when misused the internet represents a threat, especially for children. Lacking child internet safety is a hazardous problem that people usually ignore or simply underestimate. According to the Center for Cyber Safety and Education, 53% of kids in grades 4-8 revealed their number to a stranger, and about 11% have met a stranger[1]. These statistics are skyrocketing, which is scary. In this research paper, a prototype for an online child safety software that utilizes AI to identify obscene photos. The reasoning behind writing this research is to explore one of the ways that a child protection software can be created and to explore and empathize the importance of maintaining child privacy while protecting them. The software here will mainly focus on limiting the threats from these sources. The algorithm is designed to block all unwanted websites with any unfriendly or aggressive content that does not suit children. Unblocked websites are continuously analyzed, where users receive the results of these updates periodically. As for the videos, AI can recognize and analyze videos to ensure the safest online experience for the child. The chatrooms are the last approach we are taking into consideration in our project. We are scanning the chats to recognize any obscene or immoral content, when any prohibited content is detected the parents are alerted at once.